Should I Put My Rental Properties in an Incorporation or Personal Name?

Many years ago when I purchased my first rental property, I debated if I should own the rental property in a corporation or under personal name.  I hired an accountant who charged me $3000 ten years ago to create a corporation for me to hold the rental property.   Fast forward 10 years later, I have finally formed my own opinion on owning rental property using corporation and personal name.  There are also another option which is called bare trust.  However, I have not experience that so I would not have much comment on it.  You should also consult your lawyers and accountants for this topic as well. 

The decision to own a rental property using a corporation or personal name depends on several factors, including legal and tax implications, liability protection, and personal preferences. Here are some pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision:

Owning a Rental Property Through a Personal Name



Owning a Rental Property Through a Corporation 



The ultimate question is: Should you create a corporation to hold a rental property or not?  

Should you create a corporation to hold a rental property or not?  

In my opinion, if you plan to buy 1 or 2 properties, I would just hold them under personal name which will remove a lot of unnecessary costs.  If you do plan to have a properties empire, you can consider the following format:  Owning all the smaller properties under one corporation and the larger properties in separate corporations on their own.  Larger properties might have higher chances of legal issues and the accounting might be more complex, having it separated out from the rest of the pool would create ease and also separation of liability.  

Ultimately, the decision to own a rental property through a corporation or personal name depends on your individual circumstances and goals. It is recommended that you consult with a legal and financial professional to determine the best option for you.