When it comes to interviewing property managers, I have found it beneficial to follow a structured approach and utilize a spreadsheet to document the results.

Below are the questions I include in the spreadsheet, along with a brief explanation. For detailed explanations and insights, I recommend watching the accompanying video.

  1. Company: Record the name of the property management company being interviewed.
  2. Contact: Note the person you are communicating with during the interview process.
  3. Google Review: Research and document the company’s Google reviews to gain insights into their reputation and client satisfaction.
  4. Years of Experience: Inquire about the property management company’s experience in the industry to assess their level of expertise and longevity.
  5. Pricing: Discuss and document the pricing structure for their property management services to determine if it aligns with your budget and expectations.
  6. Cities they serve: Determine which cities or areas the property management company operates in to ensure their services are available where your properties are located.
  7. Type of Properties they manage: Understand the specific types of properties the company specializes in managing, such as residential, commercial, or mixed-use properties.
  8. Current number of properties they are managing: Enquire about the number of properties the company is currently managing to gauge their workload and capacity.
  9. Number of staff: Assess the size of the property management team to understand their ability to handle property-related tasks effectively.
  10. Tenant Selection Procedure: Inquire about their tenant selection process to ensure they have robust screening criteria and procedures in place to find reliable and trustworthy tenants.
  11. Procedure for broken appliances/tenant requests: Understand how the property management company handles maintenance requests and repairs, particularly regarding broken appliances, to ensure timely and satisfactory resolutions.
  12. Mentioned bad neighborhoods or areas they do not serve: Determine if the property management company has any limitations or restrictions regarding certain neighborhoods or areas they do not serve.
  13. Additional Services Provided: Explore any additional services offered by the property management company, such as property marketing, rent collection, or financial reporting.
  14. Side notes: Include any additional observations or notes that may be relevant to your decision-making process.

By using this comprehensive set of questions and documenting the responses in a spreadsheet, you can compare and evaluate multiple property management candidates effectively. This systematic approach will assist you in selecting a property manager who aligns with your specific requirements and ensures smooth and efficient property management.